neděle 19. dubna 2015

the b word

went to botanical garden, yet again!
my love for fowers is just eternal and i hate myself for forgetting to go to botanical garden in Dublin because it just looks oh so nice!
anyway, there are two gardens in Prague, one is operated by Charles uni and the other one by the city of Prague.
I reccomend the UK one cause it's cosier, smaller, plants look better and mainly, it's WAY cheaper!

plants everywhere, except on the seventh there's a butterfly (say what?!) and on the last one you can see T's head

sobota 18. dubna 2015

disposable life

FINALLY!! i managed to get pics developed. it's pretty much summary of my March in pics. 

anyway, sorry for not being able to post anything. i'm a horrible blogger.

1 & 2: Warpaint <3
3 & 4: SuperSaving by Michal Vojkuvka
5 & 6: Tančící dům/Dancing house
7 & 8 & 9 & 10: on the roof

pondělí 6. dubna 2015


Listening to Courtney Barnett on repeat
Not being able to scan and post pics
Not being able to develop new film
Big thing coming up...hopefully

pondělí 23. března 2015

plants are friends (once again)

So, a week ago the weather was so nice that i decided to go to botanical garden. I would have way nicer pics but guess who's a total dumbass and forgot not to put film in the camera but batteries!  way to go...if only was this the first time i did this
so here you have a few iPhone quality pics

let's make tequila!

sobota 7. března 2015

just say no

Even tho I don't feel creative at all I felt kinda obligated to write a post. Well, not really obligated, I just wanted to share what's 'new'. So, I've been to Ireland for 5 days, dyed my hair pink, started watching Daria (yet again), had a wee breakdown, got glasses...just stayed the same as always, nice.

1) selfie after making pancakes
2) nice lunch
3) it's been a week and it's already faded :(
4) blurry Dublin
5) being classsy in the cinema
6) Limerick
7) Dublin airport
(first webcam, rest iPhone)

PS: is anyone going to see warpaint this week? if not you should def come!

neděle 22. února 2015


I've been to two proms. 
All I can think of is just NO.
I blame my own inability to have fun or maybe enjoy social events in general, I don't know. I'm not really sure whether it's just that I don't feel like myself lately or I just surround myself with people I don't have much in common.
Lately I don't feel like going out, 
eating (that much) or just enjoying myself.  This feels like sabotaging myself more than anything and it hurts. Not in physical way but knowing that you are capable of doing things on 100% and instead of that doing them just on like 60%, it's just throwing away your potential even tho you can think at this moment 60% is your personal best.
I hate myself for that. I hate myself for not caring about this and not caring about others.
Maybe it will all fade away soon or maybe I will find something to aim on and will be focused on that specific thing but for now, it just seems so far away, so unrealistic that for me, it just doesn't exist

(Okay, this turned out quite personal, whatever, idc)

pondělí 2. února 2015

i have contacted with space material

After few days of doing nothing but having breakdowns I decided that the best thing to do for my own good is to write my very first to do list. We'll see how it goes cause i'm incredibly good at being a mess.

I've been listening to Jeff Bridges's Sleeping tapes on repeat just because it's so comforting and I find sleepy people sweet and that record (can i call it a record? probably yes) simply calms me down. Anyway, you can listen to it here, or even download it AND donate to a charity cause every penny from that goes to No kid hungry.

and here you have an old pic of me that has nothing to do with the actual post